Anabolic Rush

Amp Up Your Training Intensity & Get Better Results!

Anabolic Rush is a new state of the art muscle-building and energizing formula that uses innovative breakthroughs in nutrient design and delivery technology to maximize muscle cell volume, mind-muscle energy, androgen receptor amplification, creatine absorption, muscle endurance and nitrogen retention. And it doesn't stop there.

Building strong lean muscle - an elite athlete's physique - takes hard work. It takes a lot of sweat, a lot of pain and a lot of sacrifice. It's not easy. If it was everyone would be walking around with 220 pounds of sliced and diced muscle mass.

One thing about it though, when it comes to building muscle, there's one person you're accountable to - yourself! You slack off, miss a workout, get lazy with your nutrition, and it only effects one person's results - yours!

So what separates those few elite that pack on muscle and strength month in and month out? The ones that train with a ferocity that radiates from every corner of the gym? I'll tell you what it is - a burning desire, laser-like mental focus, motivation, perseverance, intelligence and most of all, while in the gym or on the field, intensity. Intensity to pound the weights harder and harder each and every rep of each and every workout. Intensity to push yourself to new limits again and again and again.

Intensity . . .

What if you could take one supplement that would give you that over-the-top intensity? A supplement that will give you the focus, drive and intensity to train harder than you've ever trained before. Intensity that will elevate your workouts to a level you've never experienced. An exponential intensity that will make each workout more intense than the one before. An intensity that fires off nerve pulse after nerve pulse recruiting every muscle fiber for a degree of strength producing muscle contraction only a few get to experience.

Anabolic Substrates . . .

Now what if this same supplement flooded your muscles with a biochemical tsunami of anabolic nutrients? A cascade of muscle fiber saturating substrates to ignite your body's anabolic growth triggers. I'm talking through multiple growth stimulating pathways. Nutrients designed to expand muscle cell volume, signal anabolic systems, enhance protein synthesis, speed recovery and fuel new muscle growth at the most rapid pace possible.

Androgen receptor Amplification . . .

What if, with the same supplement, you could do what no other supplement has ever done before - multiply your muscle's androgen receptors (the sites on muscles cells that accept then deliver anabolic information) to switch on muscle growth - automatically? Imagine a breakthrough formula that naturally creates more docking sites for your own circulating testosterone to bind to within your body's muscle cells. Talk about multiplying muscle growth!

Priming the Anabolic Environment . . .

And finally, what if you could prime your body for maximum growth before your workout even starts? That's right, you set up a biochemical environment for muscle growth before you even do your first rep! Priming your system for recovery gives you a head start on increasing lean muscle mass and prevents any catabolic activity from inhibiting muscle gains.

Tilting the Axis . . .

Muscle growth is a teetering act between anabolic and catabolic effects. Anabolic Rush steeply tilts the axis in favor of muscle anabolism - growth! And it does this from every biochemical pathway possible.

Now is the time to start powering beyond your normal potential. Forget about training plateaus - they don't exist any more. Forget about bad workout days - they're gone.

Revolutionary Anabolic Rush is the ultimate performance enhancer designed to start the muscle building process before you even get to the gym and accelerate the recovery-growth process before you even finish your workout. Anabolic Rush is to muscle growth what nitro-methane is to horsepower.

There are plenty of supplements on the market but there's nothing like Anabolic Rush.

Anabolic Rush is a new state of the art muscle-building and energizing formula that uses innovative breakthroughs in nutrient design and delivery technology to maximize muscle cell volume, mind-muscle energy, androgen receptor amplification, creatine absorption, muscle endurance and nitrogen retention. And it doesn't stop there.

Nano-engineering . . .

Anabolic Rush incorporates a new "Nano-Technology" that tailors site specific nutrient delivery and absorption. It's not just the nutrients but the structure of these nutrients that delivers you a formula for muscle energy, endurance, growth and strength unlike any other supplement made.

All this is formulated into a near-zero calorie mix perfectly flavored in a refreshing Blue Raspberry Ice drink.

What you get in every serving of Anabolic Rush:

Anabolic RushTM proprietary substrate matrix: 23,935 mg of active near-zero calorie anabolic nutrients in every serving!

C5MXTM - Creatine Matrix - is a new and proprietary creatine formula incorporating five - count them - five different creatine analogs (Creatine Monohydrate, Creatine Alpha Keto Gluterate, TriCreatine Malate, Creatine Citrate, Magnesium Creatine Chelate) for optimum muscle creatine saturation. The science on creatine and muscle growth and strength spans volumes and this new formula rewrites the book on creatine supplementation.

MCXCTM - Muscle Cell Xpander ComplexTM - triggering optimum anabolic (building) processes within muscle cells requires a steady and precise flow of nutrients inside the cells. This steady nutrient flow increases muscle cell volume, enhancing protein synthesis, speeding recovery and accelerating growth.

L-Glutamine - increases muscle cell volume, muscle glycogen storage, nitrogen delivery and growth hormone production.

BCAAs L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine - the anabolic threesome. The most potent anabolic amino acids. These three potent amino acids signal mTor activity essentially turning on protein synthesis.

Taurine - essential for optimum skeletal muscle performance and exercise capacity. Prevents exercise induced oxidative stress in muscle tissue.

Androgen Receptor AmplifierTM - the world's first androgen receptor synthesizer designed to enhance muscle cell androgen binding for amplified anabolic signals. Carnitine L-Tartrate (LCLT), along with a matrix of essential precursors Citric acid (Vitamin C), Pyridoxine HCL (B6), Zinc and Cyanocobalamin (B12) increase androgen receptor content in muscle tissue increasing the anabolic signal sites for increased testosterone/androgen anabolic signal delivery. Increasing the anabolic signal delivered withing the muscle cell means greater muscle building activity.

Mind-Muscle Energy StimulatorTM - the anabolic process starts with intensity. The harder you train the better your result. Anabolic Rush contains an innovative Mind-Muscle Energy Stimulator using a newly developed nano-technology that goes to work fast giving your mind and body a potent long-lasting energy rush that will have you training with world class intensity. This new nano-technology is only available in Anabolic Rush!

Nitric-RushTM - delivering optimum nutrients to repair damaged muscle tissue from training speeds recovery and growth. A precision matrix of Arginine AKG, Citruline Malate, Arginine, and Malic Acid enhances continuous nitric oxide synthesis, increasing blood flow to your muscles for rapid tissue repair, hormone production, and improved insulin sensitivity. Increasing nitric oxide production while stimulating mind-muscle intensity will dramatically enhance workout performance and training capacity while speeding muscle recovery.

RepXtraTM - contains our patented Beta-Alanine BETA-X. This unique substrate allows you to train heavier, train harder, and train longer. And on top of this, helps you recover faster - both between sets and between workouts. Wrap this all together and you’re building more muscle and getting stronger much faster.

Hydro-InFuseTM - sustained electrolyte complexTM - muscle cell and whole body hydration is critical for high-level physical performance. Muscle cell electrolyte composition is essential for nerve-muscle contraction force. Anabolic Rush floods your body with electrolytes optimizing the firing of nerve signals for maximum muscle contraction force. Cell hydration promotes strength, endurance and recovery.

Serving Size: 1 Scoop
Servings Per Container: 38

Amount Per Serving:

Calories ...4
Calories from Fat ...0g
Total Fat ...0g
Saturated Fat ...0g
Trans Fat ...0g
Protein ...0g
Total Carbohydrates ...5g
Dietary Fiber ...1g
Sugars ...1g
Sugar Alcohol ...3g

B3 Niacinamide 113%
B6 Pyridoxine HCL 1125%
B12 Cyanocobalamin 2250%
Vitamin C 150%
Zinc 150%
Manganese 375%
Potassium 5%
Calcium 15%
Magnessium 90%
Sodium 7%

Anabolic Rush™ Proprietary Substrate Matrix: ...23935mg
C5MX TM- Creatine Matrix: Creatine Monohydrate, Creatine Alpha Keto Gluterate, TriCreatine Malate, Creatine Citrate, Magnesium Creatine Chelate.
MCXC Muscle Cell Xpander Complex™: L- Glutamine, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Caline, Taurine, Menthioninem Glycine, Glycocyamine, Manganese, Canadium Chelate.
Androgen Receptor amplifier™: Patented Carnitine L-Tartrate (LCLT) Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin c), Pyridoxine HCL (B6) Zinc, Cyanocobalamin (B12).
Mind-Muscle Energy Stimulator™: L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine, Extenergen TM Caffeine, Phenylethylamine HCI, Glucuronolactone, Picamilon, Nettle Root Extract, Magnolia Extract, Yohimbin HCI, Inositol Niacinate, Thiamine Disulfide), Trimethylglycine (TMG), Vinpocetine, Vincamine, Vinburnine.
Nitric-Rush™: Arginine AKG, Citruline Malate, Arginine, Malic Acid.
RepXtra TM: Beta-X™: Patented Beta- Alanine.
Hydro-In Fuse™Sustained Electrolyte Complex™: Magnesium Phosphate, Di-Sodium Phosphate, Di-Potassium Phosphate, Di-Calcium Phosphate.

Other Ingredients: Erythritol, Polydextrose (soluble Fiber), N&A Blue Raspberry Flavor (Contains Maltodextrin), Citric Acid, Sucralose, Acesuflame K, Blue 1 Lake.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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